The Path Forward
During the past 15 months COVID has taught me that creativity and exploration are not optional, but rather, a mandatory method of self-care. Whether we are exploring the world immediately outside our front door with camera in hand or looking inward to ourselves with self-portraits, creativity has been a pathway and beacon of light. Here at the Sawtooth Photo Department our goal is to encourage that tiny voice within you that says “I want to try something new…….Grow as an artist…….fall in love again with the medium as a hobbyist” Though photography was invented nearly 200 years ago, and has undergone many technical changes, the medium has proven to be literally timeless and responsive to our societal and personal experiences. Photography is and was fresh and new. There are countless stories yet to be told and innumerable images yet to be made. And we here at Sawtooth want to be your steward, your mentor, and your cheerleader along on the way. Visit our class offerings, listen to that voice within you, and begin your journey today.