Safety in our Studios
Safety in our studios looks different these days, but the experience is still wonderful!
In response to COVID-19, we’ve created a great environment in our studios with small class sizes, plenty of room and access to tools, and lots of individual attention. Come see for yourself this fall!
Our safety protocols include:
- Abiding by state and CDC guidelines for reopening, including mandatory training for all Sawtooth employees returning to work
- Temperature and symptom check required by staff each day
- Wearing cloth face coverings
- Daily cleaning and sanitizing schedule for common areas, studios, and tools
- Increasing physical space in classrooms, and planning classes with 6ft distance between students
- Offering several online classes for instructors and students who do not feel comfortable returning to the studio environment currently
- Hand sanitizer available throughout Sawtooth
- Sawtooth will be closed to the public, only registered students will be allowed in the building during scheduled class or open studio hours
- Students and instructors will be health screened before attending classes.