Class Image Family Legacy Cookbook

Family Legacy Cookbook

Families will be guided through the process of organizing, typing up and laying out their recipes in meaningful ways with accompanying photos.  Students will be surveyed early on to help identify recipe organization preferences; flesh out stories and memories; and identify how each group member would like to contribute to their cookbook.  Participants will also have the opportunity to include short stories that give the recipes context within their respective families.  Instructor will share example page layouts and approaches to help folks create books they're proud of.  There will be room to add new family recipes at the end.  

The finished result will capture the family's most beloved recipes and serves as a reference for generations to come.  

Each student should register separately so that materials can be ordered for each person's use.  Students should plan to bring family recipes and photos and may also wish to bring other design materials to embellish pages (optional and according to their own preferences).