Class Image Tin Can Collage Workshop

Tin Can Collage Workshop

Learn how to deconstruct tin cans, cut them up and nail the pieces to a board to create the image of your choice. Most people are able to complete an 8 inch by 10 inch collage during the four hour workshop. Topics covered include materials, tools, safety, deconstructing tin cans, tricks, and techniques for cutting up tin, layout, patterns, nailing the pieces down and what to do when you change your mind.

All tools and materials are provided although you are encouraged to bring a pair of work gloves and your favorite hammer. If you have tin cans that you want to use please bring them but know that Thomas will bring boxes of already flattened tin for your use. You may apply what he is teaching to aluminum cans as well. Thomas prefers tin because it is not as brittle and thin as aluminum but students have made beautiful collages in the class with aluminum cans.

The subject matter of your collage is up to you. Some people make more figurative pieces and some more abstract. If you bring a sketch or image to class don't cut it up. Feel free to show up to class and allow inspiration to hit you when you start to handle the tin. The main thing is to have fun!

No experience necessary. All materials are included in the registration fee.